Build a Next.js app to retrieve, display and update data in Strapi

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Felix Christl
Felix Christl

What we build

We will build a simple Next.js app with a single page (the homepage). The homepage will display a list of to-dos and allow to tick them off as complete.

I will not go into writing tests in this entry. Feel free to check out the frontend repository for this series for the implementation including tests.

Let's get some structure in

Let's structure the way the frontend will work a little bit:

  1. There will be the homepage itself. It will be a Next.js page that will be rendered server-side. We will use getServerSideProps therefore to fetch the list of to-dos on the server and hand them over to the client as props. The homepage will then just be a React component that receives the props, keeps the to-do list in its state, manages updates to to-dos ( i.e., ticking them off as done) and renders to-dos.
  2. To interact with Strapi, we will define two functions: getAllToDos to fetch all to-dos from Strapi and updateToDo to update a to-do in Strapi. The homepage will use these two functions: getAllToDos will be called from getServerSideProps, updateToDo will be called client-side when a to-do is changed.
  3. The actual rendering of the to-dos will be delegated to two components by the homepage: ToDoList for the overall list of to-dos and ToDoEntry for a single to-do in that list. To style these components, we will use Styled Components.
  4. To let Strapi know about to-do updates, we will let events bubble up in the following chain: ToDoEntry -> ToDoList -> Homepage -> updateToDo. For further development, it would be neat to extract to-do management into a separate context, but let's keep it simple here.

Bootstrap the app

We are good to go. Let's go ahead and bootstrap the app. We will start by creating a new Next app with TypeScript support. The app will be called to-do-frontend.

yarn create next-app --ts to-do-frontend

Switch into the to-do-frontend folder and install Styled Components:

yarn add styled-components

You should now have a basic Next.js app set up:

- pages
  - index.tsx     # our homepage

Define the data model

Let's kick off the implementation by defining what a to-do looks like for the frontend. Create a types folder in the root of the frontend project and in it a file ToDo.ts:

export interface ToDo {
    id: number;
    Name?: string;
    Done?: boolean;

This interface defines a subset of the fields we have defined in Strapi before. Make sure to use the same names for the properties in TypeScript as you have used for the Strapi fields.

Implement the API

Now that we have defined the interface of a to-do, let's use it to actually fetch some data from Strapi.

Create a new file api/ToDoApi.ts:

import {ToDo} from "../types/ToDo";

export const BACKEND_URL =
    process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL || "http://localhost:1337";

export const TO_DO_ENDPOINT = "/to-dos";

export function getAllToDos(): Promise<ToDo[]> {
    return fetch(`${BACKEND_URL}${TO_DO_ENDPOINT}`).then((result) =>

export function updateToDo(id: number, toDo: ToDo): Promise<void> {
    return fetch(`${BACKEND_URL}${TO_DO_ENDPOINT}/${id}`, {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(toDo),
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
    }).then(() => {

As you can see, we first define the basic information we need to call the Strapi REST API: We read the BACKEND_URL from the environment and fall back to Strapi running on localhost. TO_DO_ENDPOINT is the path to the given endpoint that we already tried in the previous post.

Now we add two functions. One to fetch all to-dos from the endpoint using a simple GET request. The other to update a to-do by sending the updated to-do to Strapi in a JSON payload using PUT.

Your workspace should now look like this:

- api
  - ToDoApi.ts
- pages
  - index.tsx
- types
  - ToDo.ts

Implement the ToDoEntry component

Now that we implemented the basic connectivity with Strapi, we are ready to develop our UI components. Let's start with the one displaying a single to-do.

Create a new components folder and in it components/ToDoEntry.tsx:

import styled from "styled-components";
import {ChangeEvent} from "react";
import {ToDo} from "../types/ToDo";

const ToDoWrapper = styled.div`
  width: 100%;
  padding: 24px;
  background: #eee;
  border-radius: 12px;
  box-shadow: #ccc 2px 2px 3px;
  margin-bottom: 24px;

const Checkbox = styled.input`
  margin-right: 12px;

interface ToDoEntryProps {
   toDo: ToDo;
   uptdateToDoDoneStatus: (id: number, done: boolean) => void;

export default function ToDoEntry({
                                     toDo: {id, Name, Done},
                                  }: ToDoEntryProps): JSX.Element {
   return (
              <label htmlFor={`${id}`}>
                         onChange={(e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>

So, what happens here?

  1. We use Styled Components to style some basic UI elements that we will use in our `ToDoEntry´ component.
  2. We define the props that the component will receive: The actual to-do to render (toDo) and a function to inform the outside world that the done state of the to-do has changed (uptdateToDoDoneStatus).
  3. Finally, we implement the component itself. At the end, it's nothing more than a checkbox that calls uptdateToDoDoneStatus when its checked state changes.

Implement the ToDoList component

We can display a single to-do now. Let's build the list component that renders an array of to-dos. To do so, create components/ToDoList.tsx:

import {ToDo} from "../types/ToDo";
import ToDoEntry from "./ToDoEntry";

export interface ToDoListProps {
    toDos: ToDo[];
    uptdateToDoDoneStatus: (id: number, done: boolean) => void;

export function ToDoList({toDos, uptdateToDoDoneStatus}: ToDoListProps): JSX.Element {
    return (
                .sort((t1, t2) => +(t1.Done || false) - +(t2.Done || false))
                .map((toDo) => (
                    <ToDoEntry key={} toDo={toDo} uptdateToDoDoneStatus={uptdateToDoDoneStatus}/>

In this file, we

  1. Define the props of the to-do list. It's very similar to our ToDoEntryProps, just that it accepts a list of to-dos rather than a single one.
  2. Implement the list by sorting the to-dos by Done state (open to-dos come first, done to-dos come last). We make use of the native sort function and just convert boolean values to numbers to make them usable for sort. Then the component renders a ToDoEntry for each to-do. We also pass the uptdateToDoDoneStatus function over to ToDoEntry as it was passed to ToDoList.

Your workspace should now look like this:

- api
  - ToDoApi.ts
- components
  - ToDoEntry.tsx
  - ToDoList.tsx
- pages
  - index.tsx
- types
  - ToDo.ts

Build out the homepage

We now have all foundational components in place we need to bring it all together on our page:

  1. We can fetch to-dos from Strapi using ToDoApi,
  2. we can render them using ToDoList and ToDoEntry,
  3. we can bubble up an event when a to-do was set to done using the uptdateToDoDoneStatus callback.

Let's bring it all together in pages/index.tsx:

import type {GetServerSidePropsResult, NextPage} from "next";
import {useState} from "react";
import {ToDoList} from "../components/ToDoList";
import {ToDo} from "../types/ToDo";
import {getAllToDos, updateToDo} from "../api/ToDoApi";

interface HomepageProps {
    toDos: ToDo[];

export async function getServerSideProps(): Promise<GetServerSidePropsResult<HomepageProps>> {
    return {
        props: {
            toDos: await getAllToDos(),

const Home: NextPage<HomepageProps> = ({
                                           toDos: toDosFromProps,
                                       }: HomepageProps) => {
    const [toDos, setToDos] = useState<ToDo[]>(toDosFromProps);

    async function uptdateToDoDoneStatus(id: number, done: boolean): Promise<void> {
        const toDo: ToDo | undefined = toDos.find((toDo) => === id);
        if (!toDo) {

        const updatedToDo: ToDo = {
            Done: done,

        setToDos((toDos) => [
       === id && updatedToDo ? updatedToDo : toDo
        await updateToDo(id, updatedToDo);

    return <ToDoList toDos={toDos} uptdateToDoDoneStatus={uptdateToDoDoneStatus}/>;

export default Home;

Let's take the homepage step by step:

  1. We define HomepageProps that define which props the Home component expects. We use the HomepageProps both for the argument of the Home component and to shape the return type of getServerSideProps.

  2. We implement getServerSideProps. As you can see, this function is expected to return a GetServerSidePropsResult, which we return in its most basic shape: An object with a props property. This props property will be handed over as an argument to the Home component later by Next. As we defined in HomepageProps, props needs to have a toDos property (an array of to-dos). We populate this property using our getAllToDos API function that will fetch the to-dos from Strapi.

  3. As the final piece, we build the Home component, which is just a React component in the end. It receives the props from getServerSideProps, including the list of Strapi to-dos. It then puts the initial list of to-dos into a state to manage them.

    Next, we define uptdateToDoDoneStatus, which will be called when the user ticks or unticks a to-do (remember, this one bubbles up all the way from ToDoEntry). In here, we first find the to-do to update. If it is not found for some reason, we return here already. Otherwise, we create the updated to-do, which consists of the original to-do with the new done state.

    We then use this updated to-do to update the local state and to call our updateToDo API function to let Strapi know about the update.

Give it a spin

Now that we completed the implementation, let's check out the whole package.

First, start Strapi (if it is not running already) by running yarn develop in your backend folder.

Next, start the Next app using yarn dev in your frontend folder.

Once everything is running, open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and test your brand-new to-do app:

Screenshot of the final app

Tick and un-tick the to-do. Try to create new to-dos in Strapi and verify they appear here. If you feel like tweaking the app a little more, you could nicely start by implementing the possibility to add new to-dos.

Next steps

In the future, we might go ahead and extend the app with the possibility to log in, assign to-dos to users and see your own to-dos in the app. Also, it would be neat to use Next.js API routes to not access Strapi directly, but cover up the endpoints with Next.js routes.

However, this and the few previous post should already provide an overview of how easily apps, including backend and frontend, can be built using a combination of Strapi and Next.js.